The Every Day


These poems reflect the inner life of the poet through a strong connection to nature, to shape, and to color. When you read these poems, many of which are poems of love and beauty, you are taking a journey into the “every day” mind and heart of an artist. They are often mysterious, often passionate, always provocative.

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These poems reflect the inner life of the poet through a strong connection to nature, to shape, and to color. When you read these poems, many of which are poems of love and beauty, you are taking a journey into the “every day” mind and heart of an artist. They are often mysterious, often passionate, always provocative.


Sarah Plimpton is a painter, a poet, and a novelist. She divides her time between New York City and France. Her poems and prose have appeared in The New York Review of Books, The Paris Review, and the Denver Quarterly, among other magazines. Her novel, Hurry Along, was published by Pleasure Boat Studio: A Literary Press, in 2011. A collection of her poems has been translated into French, L’Autre Soleil, and published by LeCormier, Belgium. Her paintings and artist’s books are in various museum collections including the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the Metropolitan Museum, of Art.