The Right To Live Poetically


The Right to Live Poetically is a collection of poems that vacillate between the contradictory emotions of enchantment with and fear of a world beset by international conflicts and incalculable beauty.

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From the Chapbook Series. The Right to Live Poetically is a collection of poems that vacillate between the contradictory emotions of enchantment with and fear of a world beset by international conflicts and incalculable beauty. The author looks into the eyes of her public school students, her host family in China, an imam in Darfur, and her grandmother, and she finds brilliant sparks to ignite a profound hope for peace and justice.


Emily M Haines is a proud New York City public school teacher.  She was born in the Bronx and was politicized by the racial injustices she witnessed in elementary school. Her heroes include her grandmothers, Ella Baker, Assata Shakur, her sister, and her students. Her writing influences include KRS-One, Chuck D, Mos Def, Audre Lorde, Adrienne Rich, Pablo Neruda, and June Jordan.