The Eighth Day of the Week


Fiction. Set in Brooklyn Heights, THE EIGHTH DAY OF THE WEEK is a novel of obsessive guilt and regret gnawing at the heart of a prominent doctor. The book is part mystery, part drama, a tale which unfolds to reveal such an immense depth of passion and fear within the doctor that one turns the pages with tremendous anticipation and tension, with a sense of trepidation, in fact. This is a book which makes you think about the nature of reality and relationships, the possible and the impossible, the bizarre manifestations of what we call love. -William Wharton, author of BIRDY

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Set in Brooklyn Heights, THE 8TH DAY OF THE WEEK is a novel of obsessive guilt and regret gnawing at the heart of a prominent doctor. His ambition has estranged his wife, contributed to the death of a son from an overdose of drugs and culminated in his allowing a brain damaged child of his wife and another man to die. A last chance to regain the wife he has lost begins to unravel as the doctor confesses the story of his life during the seven days of a week to a sympathetic woman sitting at a bar.


Alfred Kessler, Born in New York City, B.S. – Fordham University, M.D. – Duke University, Residency in Neurosurgery – University of Chicago, Practice of Neurological Surgery. Painter and Writer in Paris, France since 1968.

“My primary goal in writing is to explore the ordinary individual, the reasons and mysteries as to why a person reacts as he or she does. I believe that action in our lives takes place mostly within ourselves and that our own personal, inner dramas are more important than externals – the major events of the day – over which we have little control.”

Also published “Property Values” in “Sheets”, an anthology of poetry and prose edited by L. Claire Kincannon.

Exhibitions: Alfred Kessler has had numerous gallery and salon exhibitions in Paris and Europe including a two year tour of paintings in Russia and other eastern countries. He also has made illustrations for various reviews as well as for theater programs and settings.
See the exhibition page for more details.

Biography from Alfred Kessler’s website © 1986-2005: